Take a moment to celebrate your first step to living a calmer inner life.
Just open the file above and save on your device! We know that if you follow these practices, your inner world will become calm and more clear!
Also know we are here to support and encourage you. You are not alone on your quest for inner peace
And, of course, we want to offer you even more! We all know how difficult it is to stick with something, no matter how much we want to do it, without support. To that end, we are offering you our Spiritual Exercise Study Group! When you join the study group, you get
Here is what MB had to say about working with the exercises:
These practices have really helped to change my perspectives and thoughts. Anyone, at any stage of life, can do these practices & benefit from them, I highly recommend it!
- A private FB group for you to post your insights, comments and questions about the exercise we are practicing.
- A weekly Zoom call for you to ask questions and receive direct insights from a member of the Place of Light team. These calls will be recorded and shared on the Facebook Page. (This is what people have to say about our Zoom calls! HS: I absolutely loved the Zoom calls! Going deeper with the material was so valuable. RS: One of my favorite parts)
- Coaching and insights from a member of the Place of Light team who has been practicing these concepts for years.
- Together we will cover 52 exercises, stretching and deepening our perceptions and insights in to life itself.
Here is what MB had to say about working with the exercises:
These practices have really helped to change my perspectives and thoughts. Anyone, at any stage of life, can do these practices & benefit from them, I highly recommend it!
And here is that video on grounding we promised you! Practice every day and see what a difference it can make for you!