Do You Consider Yourself a Sensitive Person?
Most people who are told they are too sensitive, cry too much, or are too moody are actually empathic. An empath is someone who actually feels the emotions and moods of people they know or physically near as if those emotions and moods were their own. It can be tricky!
There are life practices you can do to begin to attain that inner calm. Just complete the form with your first name and email and we will get your e-book right to you! Plus, when you get your e-book, you will receive an additional video bonus on how we teach grounding at A Place of Light and the benefits some of the students received from its practice. Here are some of the ways other sensitive people have described their lives after using these practices: unburdened * unbound * full of acceptance and peace * transmuted * serene * empowered in love and kindness * connected * sincere * utterly relaxed * connected * present |